Creative Kids Academy’s 2nd Annual Bike Ride

We had so much fun talking about the different kinds of sports that we can play during sports week! We learned about the different rules that each game has, and the importance of following these rules in order to have a fair and safe game. We also talked about sportsmanship and teamwork. To wrap up our discussion on sports, we had our 2nd annual Creative Kids Academy Bike Ride! Before our ride, we discussed the importance of our helmets and other safety gear, as well as road safety. We had so much fun with all of our friends!
Our friends were so fast on their scooters!
Our little friends had so much fun getting pushed around on their trikes, cars, and wagons!
We even had a friend on a skateboard! He was so good at balancing and staying on his board!
We took a little water break at the park in between rides. We learned that drinking lots of water is important!
What a fun day!!!